Hip Pain

Hip Pain2017-07-03T13:44:53+10:00

Hip Pain?

Here at Synergy Physio we are passionate about your health and education. We offer a wide range of options including health products, online anatomy education, pilates and yoga class downloads, videos and e-books for patients, yogis and physiotherapists! 

Do you have hip pain? Nichole and the team at Synergy Physio have extensive clinical experience in the management of a variety of hip problems!

Nichole has spent time over many years developing educational resources for patients and physiotherapists on the management of hip pain. These resources are an accumulation of additional study and training, and also over 20 years of practical experience in treating and managing hip pain. She has worked closely with Sydney’s leading orthopaedic and sports medicine physicians and also works closely with Brisbane Hip Clinic to provide patients with expert care in this difficult to treat area.

Our “Tips for Hips” Series of online resources reflects years of clinical expertise in providing simple ideas for the self management of different hip conditions. Browse our resources and learn ideas to assist in managing your own symptoms!

Tips for Hips: Managing labral tear and hip impingement

Hip and Groin Pain? Have you been diagnosed with a labral tear or hip impingement? Need advice and easy strategies to manage your own hip pain? Are you struggling with daily activities or sports and wanting to know how to help yourself?

Conquer your own hip pain with simple steps provided in this one hour video for patients. This informative video explains your hip anatomy, the causes of labral tear and hip impingement and current treatment options. It also outlines postural tips to offload the painful hip and a series of simple self help exercises that can assist painful hip impingement or labral tear.

Available for download and instant viewing for only $35 Once purchased you will receive an emailed receipt with your instant Download link


The information provided is this video is not designed or intended to replace individual assessment and treatment with you health care provider. It is always recommended you seek individual assessment and advice from your physiotherapist or health care provider before starting any new exercise program.

Tips for Hips: Managing Pain on the Outer Hip

Pain on the outside of your hip? Pain with lying on your side or walking? Diagnosed with bursitis or gluteal tendon problems of the hip? Learns tips to manage your own hip pain with simple steps outlined in this video. This informative video explains your hip anatomy, the causes of outer hip pain and current treatment options. It outlines simple tips to offload the painful hip and a series of simple self help exercises to assist in your recovery.

Available for download and instant viewing for only $25 Once purchased you will receive an emailed receipt with your instant Download link


The information provided in this video is not designed or intended to replace individual assessment and treatment with you health care provider. It is always recommended you seek individual assessment and advice from your physiotherapist or health care provider before starting any new exercise program.

Hip Pain Relief: ebooks:Coming Soon!!

Need some quick advice on a specific area to help your hip pain? These e-books offer simple solutions with short instructional video clips. Learn simple methods and tips to manage your own pain and take control of your life!

Tips and advice on managing daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, standing and sitting is included. Advice on simple postural changes you can make to improve your own symptoms is provided. There are also a variety exercises to try from low level rehabilitation to higher level sports and running tips.

Divided into three categories for you to choose from.

  • Tips For Hips- Labral tear and Hip Impingement
  • Tips For Hips- Pain on the outer hip
  • Tips for Hips- Osteoarthritis

Disclaimer: The information provided is these ebooks is not designed or intended to replace individual assessment and treatment with you health care provider. It is always recommended you seek individual assessment and advice from your physiotherapist or health care provider before starting any new exercise program.

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  • Please submit your email address, you will receive an email with the link to Download the Video in a few minutes

  • Please submit your email address, you will receive an email with the link to Download the Video in a few minutes

  • Please submit your email address, you will receive an email with the link to Download the Video in a few minutes