- Are you suffering from back pain that is preventing you doing the things you love, like gardening or walking?
- Are you having difficulty lifting the kids or even rolling in bed?
- Do you have lower back or pelvic pain with running or sports?
- Do you have pain after pregnancy that is not resolving?
- Have you been through the endless cycle of chiro, physio or osteo and your problem just keeps coming back and there does not seem to be a long term solution?
- Have you been diagnosed with a disc bulge and you’re not sure what your next step should be in helping your own recovery?
Here at Synergy Physio we have been extensively involved in developing expertise in the management of lumbar and SIJ problems.
With experience working alongside Australia’s most well known centre for the management of lumbar-pelvic pain- Sydney Spine and Pelvis Centre, we offer expert treatment for lumbar, SIJ and pelvic pain. Our principal physiotherapist Nichole has assisted Dr Hungerford on her SIJ manual therapy courses for physiotherapists since 2005 and Nichole has also lectured in the area of management of SIJ dysfunction with World Health Webinars and Clinical Edge.
We offer complete and thorough assessment of your problem to determine the cause of your pain. We analyse and assess your spine and its functional movement patterns to determine what might be causing and contributing to pain.
We provide a combination of hands on manual therapy, education, self treatment ideas and professional exercise to help you. We work alongside specialists for referral for MRI or CT scans and also provide post-operative care following spinal surgery.
Here at Synergy Physio we have additional expertise in looking outside the square at complex or chronic spinal pain with our thorough assessment known as the Connect Therapy TM method. Using this approach, we can find long standing and undetected patterns that might be contributing to your lower back pain. The Connect Therapy approach in managing spinal pain can provide you with a complete picture of your injury and make a complete plan in the steps toward recovery!
We offer longer appointments and a thorough analysis that can determine the cause of your problems and outline a plan to overcome them.
Together we are passionate about providing world class care and rehabilitation for lumbar and pelvic related pain. We are dedicated to helping you back to health and back to doing the things you love.
Ask us about our “Back to Health” Program!
Would you just like to speak to one of our team to help understand if physiotherapy is the right choice for you? Or do you simply have some questions?
Take advantage of our
Simply contact our reception team, who can organise a time for one of our physio team members to call you directly to answer your questions.
Call us for an appointment or questions today on 07 5448 3369, or simply book an appointment online! We are here help you!