Tips for Finding Your Perfect Exercise Match

Tips for Finding Your Perfect Exercise Match Exercise is such an essential part of mental and physical wellbeing, however many of us find it difficult to make time to stay active. Perhaps we lack time, and sometimes we lack motivation. Lets explore how to keep you active and healthy, even if you don't have [...]

5 Injury Prevention Tips for Runners

Around 70% of running injuries are attributed to a training error and almost all of them can be avoided with the right training and recovery strategies! Read more to learn about the key steps you can make to avoid running injuries. Avoid training error   Increasing your mileage by more than 10% per week can [...]

What Causes Joint and Muscle Stiffness?

Are you feeling muscle or joint stiff and wondering what it is or what you should do about it? Perhaps you are finding it hard to get going after sitting too long, or first thing in the morning? Joint and muscle stiffness can be felt in any part of the body. While it may be [...]

Shin splints

Shin splints, are a painful condition of the lower leg.  Also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, it is an overuse injury that causes pain along the inside of the tibia or shin bone. It can be common condition in runners and hikers. Pain from shin splints is often felt during or after exercise, just [...]

Planks- are they good for my core or lower back?

Planks- are they good for my core and will they help with back pain? Have you been experiencing back or pelvic pain? Have you been told that you have a weak core and that you need to do core stability exercises to help recover from back pain? As a team a physiotherapists with expertise in [...]

Essential tips for returning to the gym after Covid.

Returning to the gym after coronavirus. Now that gym and exercise groups are slowly returning, it is very tempting to launch yourself back into a full exercise routine! But it is worth knowing that after a period of extended rest or reduced activity there are some very simple tips that you should consider in order [...]

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