Free Podcast!
Understanding hip injuries and labral tears, an interview with Nichole Hamilton thanks to the support of David Pope and PhysioEdge podcasts. This free podcast is intended to provide physiotherapists with information on the potential causes and management of hip impingement and labral tears.
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Online Lectures
These one hour online webinars are designed to provide physiotherapists with information and easy access education on the management of hip and pelvic pain. These webinars are hosted by World Health Webinars, these three one hour lectures available with Nichole Hamilton outline assessment of the SIJ and Pelvis, understanding the biomechanics of the hip and impingement, and finally surgical and post-operative management of labral tears.
Understanding the Pelvis:
In this one hour online lecture Nichole reviews the anatomy and explains the biomechanics of the pelvis. She outlines the concept of failed load transfer at the SIJ and its consequences on both the pelvic ring and potential consequences other areas of the body. Nichole reviews practical objective physiotherapy tests for SIJ dysfunction and discusses clinical reasoning skills surrounding core stability and pelvic motor control exercises.
Webinar AccessLabral tears and Hip Impingement: A Case of Biomechanical Overload?
In this one hour online lecture Nichole reviews anatomy and explains the biomechanics of the hip within the pelvis. She explains the potential reasons for labral tear, both structural and biomechanical and discusses postural concepts and motor control around the hip. She also outlines other influences on the hip that can contribute to anterior hip load, such as the potential effects of the thorax and lower limb on hip dysfunction.
Webinar Access Coming SoonLabral Tears: Surgical Management and Post-operative Rehabilitation
In this one hour lecture Nichole further explores hip anatomy and the structural reasons for labral tears and FAI along with a review of radiological imaging for structural FAI. She explains the arthroscopic surgical management of labral tear and hip impingement. Nichole reviews the biomechanical reasons for labral tear and how to integrate this into a tailored rehabilitation program. She outlines a three phase post-operative physiotherapy management and rehabilitation exercise prescription with integrating ideas for return to sport for post-operative hip arthroscopy.
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