Shin Pain with Running?

Shin Pain? Are you experiencing shin pain during or after walking or running? You might have tibialis posterior tendinopathy! What is tibialise posterior tendinopathy? The tibialis posterior muscle sits just inside the shin, halfway up the lower leg. The muscle travels downwards and runs along the inside of the heel, with the tendon attaching [...]

Plantar fasciitis: what to know!

Are you waking up first thing in the morning and hobbling as a result of heel pain? When you sit for a long time and go to get up, does the pain return? Is it painful for the first hundred steps before easing off? Have you tried rolling, orthotics, exercises and still have lingering [...]

Sharp knee pain and instability from sports?

Have you recently injured your ACL?  The management of ACL injuries is a hotly debated topic in sports medicine. For so long we have thought that when ACLs rupture that they cannot heal on their own and require surgical intervention. But we know now that it is not the case and in [...]

How long will this take to heal?

When injury strikes, the first thing that most of us want to know is ‘how long will this take to heal?’ The answer to this can be complicated and requires at least a little understanding of how the different tissues of the body heal. Each of the tissues of the [...]

5 Injury Prevention Tips for Runners

Around 70% of running injuries are attributed to a training error and almost all of them can be avoided with the right training and recovery strategies! As both a health professional and runner myself, I am in a unique position to help guide you to stay moving and injury free! Avoid training error   Increasing your [...]

Marathon Training? Here’s our physio guide!

Setting the goal of completing a marathon? It's vital that you are mentally and physically ready and have a strategic training plan in place! If you’re looking to train for a marathon or train effectively whilst injured, keep reading! Marathon programs roughly run over a minimum of 16 weeks and consist of four phases – [...]

Muscle tear? Avoid these four common mistakes.

Our muscles play an important role in the movement of our body. Without our muscles, we wouldn’t be able to bend our elbow or straighten our leg. As our muscles are soft and designed for flexibility, they are also prone to injury and if you have ever had a muscle tear, you know that they [...]

Osteitis Pubis

What is Osteitis Pubis? Osteitis Pubis is a medical term used to describe sports-related groin pain. Osteitis means ‘bone inflammation’, while pubis refers to the specific bone that is affected: the pubic bone. Osteitis pubis is usually an overuse injury that can sometimes be triggered by a specific event. It is characterised by pain deep [...]

Shin splints

Shin splints, are a painful condition of the lower leg.  Also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, it is an overuse injury that causes pain along the inside of the tibia or shin bone. It can be common condition in runners and hikers. Pain from shin splints is often felt during or after exercise, just [...]

Hamstring tears

The feeling of dread. Mid stride running and suddenly you feel it. The hamstring twinge! You pull up short mid stride. Part of you hopes its just a cramp. The rest of you knows you've done it again- pulled your hamstring! Lets explore hamstring tears, what they are and what to do about it. The [...]

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