Pain from your low back with walking or standing that radiates down to your hips & thighs? You could have spinal stenosis!

  • Do you experience a deep radiating ache, possibly associated with fatigue, heaviness, weakness and numbness? This could be either in just one leg, however is more often experienced in both legs.
  • While there is often accompanying low back pain, the leg pain is usually the most severe complaint.

What is spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is characterized by a narrowing of the spaces that house the spinal cord, nerves and blood supply. A variety of factors can cause spinal stenosis, however overwhelmingly it is caused by degenerative changes to the spine as we age. Many people over the age of 60 will have spinal stenosis; however, not all will have pain. Spinal stenosis is a progressive condition and symptoms will gradually increase over time.

How does physiotherapy help? 

For mild to moderate cases of spinal stenosis, physiotherapy can be extremely beneficial!

  • Initially, conducting a thorough examination to accurately diagnose this condition and exclude any other condition is most important. In some cases, imaging may be requested.
  • We can help you manage your pain through hands-on techniques, and by providing a targeted exercise program.
  • We can help you understand and manage your day in a way that helps to reduce flare-ups and maintain muscle strength.
  • In very severe cases, surgery is required to decompress the restricted nerves and stabilize the spine. If surgery is the right choice for you, your physiotherapist is able to guide you through this treatment pathway, helping you to prepare and recover from surgery to get the best outcome possible.

Want to learn more about sciatica and how that’s different from spinal stenosis? Read more here!

Together our team work in a thorough manner to provide a complete biomechanical assessment of your problem as well as a thorough step-by-step explanation and treatment plan to help you move forward to a healthier, happier you. Learn more about our physiotherapy team here!

Contact us on 07 54483369 or simply book your appointment online 

By |2024-05-30T16:43:34+10:00May 27th, 2024|acupuncture, back pain, nerve pain|0 Comments

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