Three ways to help keep kids active!

We know many of the habits that shape our adult lives are set in childhood. Physical activity is important for a growing body as movement and weight bearing have a large impact on bone strength, muscle and tendon health! In an era of online games, its important to keep a balance and build healthy active [...]

Tips for your body health this festive season

When the festive season of Christmas arrives it can mean late nights, alcohol and food excesses replace our gym routines! Soon we feel sluggish, tired and our resilience runs at an all-time low. By the time New Year’s rolls around we find ourselves resolving to never drink again, to start a daily running routine and to only eat [...]

Unsteady on your feet?

There is nothing funny about falling or losing your balance. Unfortunately, most people are unaware their balance and coordination are slipping away. As we age, the length of our stride shortens, our pace slows down and our vision can become compromised making us feel a tad more wobbly! We tend to shy away from challenging [...]

Rise UP Women’s Retreat Sunshine Coast

Have you been struggling through a recent life challenge and looking for a supportive space and a step by step pathway to help yourself rise up and recover? Are you craving to simply press pause and have time out to rest and reflect, gather your energy and nurture your own health? Would you like [...]

Sleep Health

Sleep Health! We have all experienced the negative effects on our health when we do not have adequate sleep! Poor capacity to cope with stress, feelings of overwhelm, snappiness, moodiness, fatigue and and an inability to concentrate are all side-effects of poor sleep. Sleep is in essential part of our health! A sound sleep helps [...]

The Myth Of Work-Life Balance

If you think for a moment about a tightrope walking trapeze artist balancing with great caution, inching their way along to relative safety, you will notice one thing.  That is balance is not a static destination! It is somewhat of a constant effort to maintain, is constantly in motion and even once balance is achieved, [...]

Prioritising your health!

The isolation period during the coronavirus outbreak has certainly had many hidden benefits for many of us. Despite the initial stress and uncertainty, it has allowed many of us to simply slow down and press pause. This ‘pause time’ has provided us with the opportunity to enjoy simpler things in life without the rushing. Often [...]

COVID-19: How Synergy Physio is Prioritising Your Health

With the current uncertainty that surrounds our health, it is essential that we communicate with you about what we are doing here at Synergy Physio to ensure and protect your health. Your health is a priority and our whole team at Synergy Physio has worked together to ensure our services continue to support your needs. [...]

Rising into grace in times of stress

It is interesting to watch the effect of heightened fear anxiety and stress on human behaviour. The neuroscience behind this lies deep within our brains!   Understanding the brain There are two key areas that are utilised in your brain when considering your thoughts, actions and behaviour.   One area is known as our 'executive [...]


Stress and Stress Management! Everyone can recognise stress in their daily life.  Some people seem to have more stress than others, or is it simply their reaction to events that creates stress?  What is stress? What is Stress? The stress response is a very important response in our bodies.  It is designed to help us [...]

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