Rise UP Women’s Retreat Sunshine Coast

  • Have you been struggling through a recent life challenge and looking for a supportive space and a step by step pathway to help yourself rise up and recover?
  • Are you craving to simply press pause and have time out to rest and reflect, gather your energy and nurture your own health?
  • Would you like to learn key steps and strategies that you can implement today to help you transform grief into gratitude, crisis into blessing and a feeling of overwhelm into calm clarity?
  • Would you like a clear and simple method developed by women for women, to guide you toward building resilience and creating the life you deserve?

We would love to welcome you on our next Synergy Women Rise UP Women’s Retreat!

This retreat is designed to offer women the opportunity to simply press pause, nurture their health and learn the essential steps and skills to build resilience, presence and grace to overcome life’s challenges.

Over three inspiring days this retreat is designed with you in mind, to provide a nurturing space for you to create the life you deserve and to give you a clear method to rise up with authenticity and grace.

My name is Niky Hamilton I’m a physiotherapist with 20 years of experience in teaching and educating women with their health. I am a mindfulness meditation teacher, a Demartini facilitator, a business owner, a yoga teacher and have spent 15 years teaching workshops all over Australia.

Like you, I have also struggled through a significant life challenge that brought me to a crossroads. I recall feeling lost at sea without a life raft or support crew in sight. My health was affected, my brain and memory were affected and I felt like my life was a tipped-out jigsaw puzzle and I was struggling to piece it together.

In my journey to recovery, I ground to a heavy halt on many occasions. Self-help courses, psychologists, yoga, prayer, books, gurus, counselling, running, mantras, diving in the ocean, Vitamin B, support groups, mindfulness- I tried it all! Not one of these things alone provided me with the solutions I was craving to help me recover. I felt like I was at the bottom of the ocean looking up and wondering how I would ever find the surface. I wanted to do more than just survive each day.

I found myself asking-

  • How am I going to survive this?
  • What is happening to my brain and will I ever be able to think clearly again?
  • How long is this going to last?

Over the last five years I have gathered valuable tools from all over the world and pieced them together in a clear structured format that I call “The Rise UP Method” to help women, just like you, find their way up through a crisis. These are the tools I wish I had 5 years ago!

I am now offering them out to women simply because I don’t want women to be floundering like I did to overcome life’s challenges. I don’t want women to feel alone or misunderstood when they are struggling to piece their life together again. I want women to have the chance to learn a clear survival pathway, to build resilience and authenticity, to recover and rise up from challenges, to create the life they deserve.

Using this exact framework, I transformed my life from a place of despair to immense gratitude, I have created the life I desire including includes a beautiful place by the ocean with my husband, a thriving physio business with a team of women I love to work with and creative time to offer out to women the skills they need to rise up.

As a result of using The Rise UP Method I have moved from survive to thrive and have created the life I want to live.

I look forward to sharing this process and taking this journey with you over a beautiful 3 days on the Sunshine coast where you also get to nurture YOU with daily yoga, pilates, meditation, great conversation, delicious food and a pampering spa afternoon.

Are you ready to rise up? Are you ready to press pause for well-deserved me time? Are you ready for a clear pathway forward? Are you ready to take a step, just one step, in the direction that can guide you to the surface? Are you ready to transform overwhelm and stress into calm clarity? Life’s challenges into blessings?

The Rise UP Women’s retreat includes:

  • Three days in a beautiful quiet retreat centre surrounded by nature on the Sunshine Coast with twin share accommodation
  • All meals- healthy and nutritious
  • Daily guided meditation
  • Enjoy daily yoga and pilates classes to support your health
  • Pamper yourself with a massage spa afternoon
  • A chance to press pause for supported quiet rest and reflection time
  • A chance to connect with a group of positive supportive women
  • Daily seminars to guide you through the exact Synergy Women’s Rise UP frame work to build resilience and navigate life challenges with calm confidence
  • Empowering fire ceremony
  • Take-home manual and the take-home journal to guide you after our retreat
  • Six months of email support and a private Facebook group

Resilience is something we can all achieve and I’m passionate about helping women find their strengths and rise up with grace through life challenges to build the life they deserve.

Like to learn more?

Nichole Hamilton is a Physiotherapist, Yoga and pilates teacher, mindfulness meditation teacher and also Dr DeMartini facilitator with over 20 years experience in helping women rise up through challenges and build resilience. She is passionate about women’s health, teaching and inspiring women to create the life they deserve.  She offers one on one consultations, online courses and retreats.


Do I need to be good at yoga? No! All classes are inclusive for beginners and we are here to offer you a relaxed retreat! Yoga will be at a beginner to intermediate level only.

What does the average day look like? There will be gentle movement and meditation practice each morning, followed by leisurely breakfast in the sun on the veranda overlooking the gorgeous countryside. Then the opportunity to attend an inspired workshop lecture, followed by a longer pilates or yoga class.  The afternoon will include your own free time and relaxation practices as well as a pampering spa afternoon, followed by dinner. Workshop and teaching time each day will include your step by step guide in a supportive environment to start utilising the Rise UP process.

Do I have to be able to meditate? No. Each morning we will start gently, and guide you through an easy warming practice of movement as well as teaching and guiding you through a simple meditation practice with practical tips on how to use mindfulness meditation when you get home to help calm your nervous system and improve clarity and focus.

Do I have to go to all the activities and classes offered? No, this retreat is about YOU. You can opt in or out of what ever you like! If you need more poolside rest or wish to simply read a book- the space is yours and we support that!

If you would like to know more we would love to hear from you!  Contact us us today on 07 5448 3369

By |2024-05-30T11:33:24+10:00August 9th, 2020|wellness, women's health, yoga|0 Comments

About the Author:

Nichole is a physiotherapist, yoga and mindfulness meditation teacher. She passionate about women's health, physiotherapy and education- all to benefit you and your health! She lectures regularly at physiotherapy and orthopaedic conferences on the management of hip and pelvic pain. Her expert knowledge has also been shared on popular podcasts and online learning platforms including The Yoga Physio, Clinical Edge online learning, Physioedge podcast, My Hip Pain Relief and World Health Webinars. She looks forward to sharing her expertise and inspiring you toward better health- mind body and heart.

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