Why Kegel’s aren’t always the answer!

Are you a woman with a pelvic floor problem? Are you occasionally leaking urine? Having trouble controlling wind? Or have you just had a baby and been told you need to do Kegels?

What even are Kegels?

“Kegels” is another term for pelvic floor exercises or contractions. When you think ‘stop the flow of urine’ or ‘hold in passing wind’ you are likely doing a Kegel. When women have bladder, bowel or vaginal complaints they are often told to do pelvic floor exercises aka Kegels.

BUT…….. Kegels are NOT always the answer. Sometimes doing Kegels can make symptoms worse!

You would think for any complaints of bladder or bowel leakage that Kegels would be the solution. But that isn’t always the case. There is a small percentage of women who experience poor bowel control and urine leakage because their pelvic floor is high tone and, in these women, Kegels can make symptoms WORSE! There is also a large number of women who experience GPPPD (a long acronym that stands for Genito Pelvic Pain Penetration Disorder), this can affect new mums and commonly affects women with endometriosis. If you’re experiencing pain you might like to read more here! Again, Kegels in this patient group can make symptoms of pain or incontinence worse.

Confused yet?

How do you know whether to do Kegels or not?

And how many, how often?

What position do I do them in?

I’m not even sure if I am squeezing the correct muscles?

The only way to know IF, WHEN and WHAT type of Kegels you should be doing is to have an individualised assessment with a women’s health therapist who is qualified to do vaginal examinations. Our women’s health team offer compassionate and professional care for you- don’t suffer in silence! After a short, pain free examination you will be shown how to contract and relax your pelvic floor, you will be given clear instructions on how, when, how many and WHY you need to do pelvic floor exercises to conquer your symptoms.

Like to know more about women’s health and how a women’s health physio can help you? Read more here!

Here at Synergy Physio we love helping women with their health. We offer expertise in pelvic pain, SIJ pain and pregnancy related pain.

Explore more about our team and how we can help you here! Collectively we offer you professional expertise and compassionate care.

Contact us today on 07 5448 3369 or simply book online

By |2024-05-30T11:26:34+10:00June 29th, 2023|women's health|0 Comments

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