Shin Pain with Running?

Shin Pain? Are you experiencing shin pain during or after walking or running? You might have tibialis posterior tendinopathy! What is tibialise posterior tendinopathy? The tibialis posterior muscle sits just inside the shin, halfway up the lower leg. The muscle travels downwards and runs along the inside of the heel, with the tendon attaching [...]

Cervicogenic Headaches

Are you experiencing headaches that radiate from the base of the skull and into your temple region or eye? Perhaps you are noticing headaches after using a laptop or computer? You might have a Cervicogenic Headache! Headaches are a generic term for any pain in the cranial region. They can be caused by a variety [...]

What Causes Joint and Muscle Stiffness?

Are you feeling muscle or joint stiff and wondering what it is or what you should do about it? Perhaps you are finding it hard to get going after sitting too long, or first thing in the morning? Joint and muscle stiffness can be felt in any part of the body. While it may be [...]

Hydrotherapy and how it can help you

Knee pain? Arthritis? Back pain? Would you like to improve your mobility in a safe and supported environment? Heard about the benefits of hydrotherapy but not sure where to start? Hydrotherapy could be for you! Immersed in waist deep warm water ranging between 33 and 35 degrees Celsius, we are starting hydrotherapy classes in groups [...]

Shin splints

Shin splints, are a painful condition of the lower leg.  Also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, it is an overuse injury that causes pain along the inside of the tibia or shin bone. It can be common condition in runners and hikers. Pain from shin splints is often felt during or after exercise, just [...]

Tips for your body health this festive season

When the festive season of Christmas arrives it can mean late nights, alcohol and food excesses replace our gym routines! Soon we feel sluggish, tired and our resilience runs at an all-time low. By the time New Year’s rolls around we find ourselves resolving to never drink again, to start a daily running routine and to only eat [...]

The Importance of Exercise during Breast Cancer Treatment

You have probably read about the importance of maintaining a good exercise routine during and after breast cancer treatment, but you may be wondering why it is actually so important? We have significant research into the benefits of exercise during and after treatment for breast cancer, particularly due to its effectiveness on minimising side [...]

Hamstring tears

The feeling of dread. Mid stride running and suddenly you feel it. The hamstring twinge! You pull up short mid stride. Part of you hopes its just a cramp. The rest of you knows you've done it again- pulled your hamstring! Lets explore hamstring tears, what they are and what to do about it. The [...]

5 Health Tips for New Mums

Are you a new mum juggling new demands with lack of sleep and a little bit of fatigue? Those early weeks with a new born are challenging, exciting and stressful as you adapt to your newest family member. Whether it is baby number one or baby number five there is certainly always something new you [...]

Three essential steps if you have SIJ pain

Have you been diagnosed with SIJ pain yet can't seem to find a solution? Are you having difficulty lifting or even rolling in bed? Do you experience low back or pelvic pain with walking, pushing a shopping trolley or running? Do you have pelvic pain after pregnancy that is just not resolving? Here at Synergy [...]

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