Mastitis- Can Physio Help?

Painful mastitis? Mastitis is a common painful condition amongst breastfeeding women. Up to 20% of women will develop mastitis postpartum. Symptoms can include tender, hot and swollen area of the breast and you can also have a temperature, chills, flu-like aching and general feelings of being unwell.

Mastitis can be caused by a bacterial infection and/or by a blocked milk duct. Symptoms generally occur and progress quickly, often within 24 to 48 hours. So if you think you may have mastitis or a blocked milk duct seek physiotherapy quickly!!

What can Physiotherapy do to treat Mastitis?

  • Look at the babies latch and suckle technique
  • Educate the mother on a good feeing routine
  • Massage the breast to encourage milk flow and break down of any blockages
  • Ultrasound treatment to help encourage milk flow and to break down any blockages
  • The physiotherapist will also prescribe self massage and other stretches to encourage milk drainage.

Other things you can do to help your mastitis?

  • Stay hydrated drinking 3-4L of fluid per day
  • Continue to drain the affected breast with hand expressing, pumping or breastfeeding your baby on that side
  • Try positioning your baby so their chin points towards the blocked/ painful area
  • Heat packs over the affected area or hot showers before feeding your baby
  • Regular rest.
  • Please note antibiotics may be required for effective management of mastitis if infection has occurred.

If you’re experiencing painful mastitis and need a women’s health consultation and treatment with ultrasound our team here at Synergy Physio can help you.  Contact our friendly reception team here at Synergy physio on 07 5448 3369. Or you can also book online

Rebecca Reiss

About Rebecca- Rebecca Reiss is passionate about caring for women’s health concerns during and after pregnancy and also into menopause. She has expertise in the management for pelvic floor problems and brings a wealth of knowledge to the Synergy Physio team.

Learn more about our team here! Like to know more women’s health? Click here! Or book online with Rebecca here.

Contact our friendly reception team here at Synergy physio on 07 5448 3369. We offer personalised and professional care with our women’s health physiotherapy team.



By |2024-05-30T11:31:02+10:00June 19th, 2021|women's health|0 Comments

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