Mastitis- Can Physio Help?

Painful mastitis? Mastitis is a common painful condition amongst breastfeeding women. Up to 20% of women will develop mastitis postpartum. Symptoms can include tender, hot and swollen area of the breast and you can also have a temperature, chills, flu-like aching and general feelings of being unwell. Mastitis can be caused by a bacterial infection [...]

Three essential steps if you have SIJ pain

Have you been diagnosed with SIJ pain yet can't seem to find a solution? Are you having difficulty lifting or even rolling in bed? Do you experience low back or pelvic pain with walking, pushing a shopping trolley or running? Do you have pelvic pain after pregnancy that is just not resolving? Here at Synergy [...]

Unsteady on your feet?

There is nothing funny about falling or losing your balance. Unfortunately, most people are unaware their balance and coordination are slipping away. As we age, the length of our stride shortens, our pace slows down and our vision can become compromised making us feel a tad more wobbly! We tend to shy away from [...]

Vaginismus- What is it and why does it hurt?

Are you a woman that experiences pain simply using tampons? Is a gynaecological exam or pap smear with your GP painful for you? Does intercourse cause pain and discomfort? Then you may be one of the many women who experience vaginismus. Vaginismus affects 1 in 10 women!! It is surprising how little it is spoken [...]

Rise UP Women’s Retreat Sunshine Coast

Have you been struggling through a recent life challenge and looking for a supportive space and a step by step pathway to help yourself rise up and recover? Are you craving to simply press pause and have time out to rest and reflect, gather your energy and nurture your own health? Would you like [...]

Birth and Beyond Pregnancy Workshop

Are you pregnant and interested in a healthy pregnancy, delivery and post birth body? Are you worried about your stomach or pelvic floor after delivery and wanting to learn safe and effective exercises you can use now and after your delivery? Would you like essential women’s health and active birthing steps to guide you through a [...]

Sleep Health

Sleep Health! We have all experienced the negative effects on our health when we do not have adequate sleep! Poor capacity to cope with stress, feelings of overwhelm, snappiness, moodiness, fatigue and and an inability to concentrate are all side-effects of poor sleep. Sleep is in essential part of our health! A sound sleep helps [...]

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage There are many benefits for having a pregnancy massage with a qualified health professional throughout your pregnancy! Here at Synergy Physio our massage therapist Keely is a qualified remedial massage therapist with additional training in pregnancy massage and she has our own pregnancy massage table here specifically designed for your comfort during your [...]

The Myth Of Work-Life Balance

If you think for a moment about a tightrope walking trapeze artist balancing with great caution, inching their way along to relative safety, you will notice one thing.  That is balance is not a static destination! It is somewhat of a constant effort to maintain, is constantly in motion and even once balance is achieved, [...]

Abdominal Recovery After Pregnancy

Are you a new mum and wondering how to safely recover your abdominals after pregnancy? Perhaps you are worried about your C-section scar? Are you concerned about abdominal doming or your abdominal separation? As a physiotherapists with expertise in women’s health, we treat many women with varied health concerns and conditions, and one of the [...]

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